Saturday, September 8, 2012

Poisons - mushrooms and heart-worm pills

Fungi Are NOT Fun Guys!

In our lawn, there are bunches of tiny mushrooms growing out of the ground. I looked them up and they're not edible, but not poisonous to animals. 50% of the mushrooms that have been identified are non-toxic. The other 50% will make you puke. I HAD to look this up because Poppy almost ate a mushroom.

Ray was walking him and he scooped something up into his mouth. I yanked it out with my finger and scraed his tongue really good. I thought it was a wet used tissue, gross. It was a mushroom. Poppy did not get sick or act sluggish at all. Honestly, I didn't put much thought into the possibility of it being poisonous. To me, Poppy just spit out the same thing as an Asprin. Poppy was fine.

The next day, my neighbor was telling me how there were so many of those mushrooms everywhere and she was worried about the dogs eating them, so I looked them up. They're really common egg-shaped white mold without any spores underneath. You shouldn't eat them, but they wont kill a child or animal unless they eat dozens of them, which would make them vomit. Ta-da, I was right lol. Good to know though.

Perscription Poison

ANY flea medicine you put on your animal is poison. This poison is either obsorbed by the skin or ingested. The way I see it, it's like the seasonal flu shot. A little yuck is worth a lot of protection.

Today, at 2pm, I gave Poppy his heart-worm medicine, which is a $19 pill called Trifexis. The pill takes care of fleas as well, which I really like. Some dogs (perticularly collies) have been known to vomit from ingesting this pill. After an hour, the pill is digested.

At first, Poppy put the pill in his mouth and sucked on it a bit before spitting it out. I wrapped it in a half piece of cheese and he chewed it right up with no problems. I watched Poppy like a hawk until about 4pm. "Please don't vomit my $20, Poppy!" Austin burped and I jumped up to make sure it was (the kid) not the dog. When Poppy feels ill, he has a facial expression in his eyes and he holds his head down. He never actually told me, but I'm pretty sure he was nauseated for a good 20-30 minutes. I did not let him exert himself for the hour. He just sat on my lap and licked my arm off and on while I finished knitting up his snowflake sweater.

This evening, Poppy had a bowel movement and it was a teany bit hard, so I don't think the medicine did anything to his stool. He's behaving totally normal. I'll continue to fear him vomiting for the next 2 days, but over all I think this medicine worked well for Poppy. We'll see how well it works by the 24th day. That's when frontline started clunking out on up.

**With Frontline, I saw a flea or two during the last week before the next dose. They were each a singular pin-like belly flea, but a flea is a flea is a flea!**

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