Saturday, September 8, 2012

Doggie Cookies!!

I finally made a batch! I'm SO proud of myself. These are the ones I made:

I added all of the ingredients, but the dough was extremely wet and sticky, so I added a bit more of both flours and cornstarch. The dough would've been a little better if I had let it sit for a while. I used Swanson Beef broth, cheap dry whole milk that came in 3 seperate large bags, .50 oz dry active yeast, cornstarch, wheat flour, and all purpose flour.

I used a shotglass to cut them out and baked them at 300* for 15-18 minutes. They smelled really good when I was baking them! When they were done cooling, I tried a tiny piece. They were very dry and had a weird sugarless sourdough flavor. Poppy had two and loved them. I boxed them up and passed them out to 3 of my neighbors. I filled 2 hillshire farms lunchmeat bowls, a butter bowl, and half of a large plastic (Dishwashed several times without in-between-use since emptied) Maxwell house bucket. Point being, I made a LOT of biscuits! Here's a picture of some cooling:

You can see the coffee bucket and butter bowl in this pic. The sandwich bag box is just there to show how small the biscuits are. They're for puppies and my Chi Mix, so they had to be super small. I'm SO proud of myself for making my own homemade doggy biscuits! I just want to give them to everyone. If I were going to make this recipe again, I'd use half the stock called for with .25oz of dry active yeast. All I need to do is buy more beef stock...or learn how to make stock at home. Wait, I will definitely make this recipe again! Poppy loves them. I just wish the recipe was a bit smaller because there is NO way Poppy would eat that many biscuits in 2 weeks.

I'm pretty darn proud that I can make my own dog treats. Poppy will never say, "Mom, these aren't as good as Maw's cookies." or "You should've added more chocolate chips to these." He just gobbles them up and I feel like he really appreciates them. It's like he knows that I put extra work into them just for him. My dad asked me if I made cookies for Austin and I told him, "Austin doesn't care as long as he can give the treats to Poppy...If he wants one of those, he can eat them too." My dad reminded me of when I ate colored milkbones with my doberman and I told him, "I ate these too. Dad, they're much better tasting than Milkbones!" My dad has known I'm crazy for such a long time that this comes to no surprise to him anymore.
Homemade dog treat recipe attempt #1 was a complete success. All neighborhood dogs are going to be stuffed and happy without byproducts, fillers, or preservatives. Well self, ya did good. :-D 

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