Monday, August 27, 2012

Going To Grandma's

I was very intimidated about bringing the Popper to maw's house because my parents have new furniture, super light brown carpets, and a little white poodle from a few doors down that will sit on their porch chairs waiting to get a snack or attention. He's so cute! He'll peep through the window that runs down the side of the door. I packed Poppy's bowls, a serving of food for his 5pm dinner, and 2 sets of napkins and bags to clean up the obvious.

First thing Poppy did was take a crap on maw's grass, naturally. I cleaned it up right away. I asked my mom if I could take him off the leash inside and she said 'of course!' After that, we took Poppy to the park. When we came back, my mom was making Sunday dinner. She asked if Poppy could have some beef and I said yes. When I was stirring the goulosh sauce, I seen about 3 pieces of dime-sized beef cubes and I knew. "Mom! He can't eat all that. He's a little dog." I told her to go ahead and give him the last 3 of 5 or 6 pieces.

My mom LOVES Poppy! She said I'd charge her a good $300 for him and I told her she'd be getting a deal since that'd only cover the cost of the vet, deposit, and adopton fee NOT including the kennel, toys, food, and care items. I suggested she babysit my dog with my kid and she wasn't going for that. lol My mom has found a grandkid who will never outgrow the clothes she makes him or complain when her cookie recipe needs tweaking. We're looking at trying out a barley-based carrot cookie recipe for dogs that Poppy can eat. I cannot believe the dye in Milk Bones...well I can, but no more red bones for Poppy.

We measured Poppy for clothes - 14" chest, 5" neck, 7-8" from neck to tail, and about 6" from neck to "the line of fire." It's my job to find free patterns for a small dog coat. My mom and I spent the last hour of our visit looking at McCalls, Butterick, and Simplicity patterns for small dog coats. She has his sweaters in the works and a free pattern of a dog coat that needs major shrinking and tweaking.

Poppy took a stool break on the neighbor's lawn. As I went to clean it, my dad said, "Don't even bother. Their dogs crap right on our driveway and in our yard all the time..." So my dad turned Poppy's expell into a satisfying revenge crap. Male bonding at it's best, I'm sure. My dad thinks any animal crap (like moose poop) should be allowed to fertilize the ground until it appears too abundant and then it must be shoveled. Poppy's poo is probably pretty darn neutritious considering how fast he eats his lamb-based rice-meal dog food and that his snacks are peanutbutter and carrots.

My parents love Poppy as much as we do. They're not worried about his poop in the grass near the road or his shedding on their nice carpet. Mom even let Poppy get into her lap on her new furniture!So yesterday was very busy. Sundays are always family day. We took Poppy to the park for a long walk. Then we hung out at my parents house for a nice dinner. We finished up by giving Poppy a bath at home. Busy busy day!

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