Thursday, August 30, 2012

Commercial Doggy Treats NOOOooo

I've been searching for a treat to give the Popper that he can gnaw on for a little while. Even the Kong is cleaned out within minutes and I jam that peanut butter in there. We got Poppy some Waggin' Trail FiddleStix. They're crunchy rawhyde wrapped with dried chicken. He would wag his tail and creep away to eat them. Still, within minutes it was gone. As Poppy's system always works, about 5 hours later it made his stool rock hard. As my lovingly sensative boyfriend put it, "You could build a house with that turd stick!" So Wednesday night we bought him a set of 4 beefhide treats by Heartz called Hearty Stuffers. It took him almost 10 minutes to inhale the big treat and a few hours later he vomited five times on two separate occasions!

I was horrified! I thought I killed my dog like that evil witch from the cookie house. Today, I looked online and found out that the Waggin' Trail company has recalls on their treats. You can put almost anything in dog treats, hooves, eyeballs...etc and this dog treat brand was recalled??! Still, I blame Poppy's illness on the massive Hearty Stuffer he inhaled. Still, I've come to a conclusion: NO MORE STORE BOUGHT DOG SNACKS!!!

My dad says the only thing my doberman could eat without getting sick was dog food and underwear. He survived a stolen pound of baccon, a raw t-bone, bra clips, a sewing needle...Thank God my hobby is knitting needles! Poppy was fine after his stomach emptied and he ate his regular dog food a bt happier at 9:45 today and here it is noon with no problems.

Right now, I'm looking for a homemade treat recipe to try. I'm finding that a lot of the recipes include the stuff I'm trying to avoid, like garlic and salt. I have to find treat recipes for very small dogs, like Poppa Bear. <--This site has a list of plants and says whether or not they're poisonous to different kinds of animals.

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